Unconditional Love

Greg Olsen


I think it’s about time for a Christmas joke:

A little boy goes to the mall to sit on Santa’s lap.

Santa says, “Ho, Ho, Ho. What would you like for Christmas?”

The little boy replies, “I’d like a toy train set, a new bike, and a remote-controlled car.”

“That’s a pretty big list,” Santa replies, “Have you been a good boy this year?

The little boy thinks for a moment and says, “Well, let’s just focus on the train set.”

Sometimes that’s the way I feel when I ask God for something in my prayers. Right in the middle of asking, I think about how I don’t really deserve anything. Although I’ve tried, I haven’t been very good this year. That’s where God is so wonderful. He doesn’t hold things against us. He doesn’t dole out blessings based upon how good we’ve been. He provides us with our needs regardless because his love towards us is unconditional.

When the words “unconditional love” come to mind, I have to admit, my first thoughts aren’t always about how God loves me. Sometimes my dogs immediately come to mind. They’re always so glad to see me when I come home. They’d spend their entire day just sitting with me if they could, just getting petted and soaking in my love. Even when I’m impatient with them, when I yell at them for barking or when I get mad because they’re not listening, they don’t hold it against me. Instead, they come and sit or lay beside me because just being with me is enough for them.

That’s what God is really like. He doesn’t ask for much, just our faith. He doesn’t hold it against us when we’re impatient. He doesn’t punish us for going astray. He simply waits until we come back and then showers us with his love. All we have to do is be willing to accept it.

People with chronic health conditions, like Myasthenia Gravis, sometimes get mad at God for allowing their health condition to occur. They often walk away from their faith instead of towards their faith. Regardless, God is always watching over us. He takes care of us, maybe not in the exact way we want, but in the way that is best for us. And because He never turns His back on us, we can feel the comfort of knowing He is with us and will help us through our challenges.

We don’t need to hold back in asking God for what we want. Unlike Santa, He’s not keeping a naughty and nice list. God only looks at our heart and at our faith. So, don’t be afraid to ask God for what you really want. Just understand that what we ask for may not always be what God provides. He knows what’s best for us, so in those moments, we just need to trust Him.

His unconditional love never fails.

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