Tag: Perceptions

  • Inheritance: Part 3 – Values

    Greg Olsen


    In my first blog under Inheritance, we talked about how you will leave impressions on your caregivers, family and friends. Those impressions turn into perceptions and those people will undoubtedly believe those perceptions to be real until such time as they see them as being different from their original observation. In my second blog under…

  • Inheritance: Part 2 – Principles

    Greg Olsen


    As I stated in my previous blog, we use perceptions, principles and values to guide us through life. We’ve already talked about perceptions and discussed how perceptions can change based upon observations. We develop a perception rather quickly. We then either keep that perception or modify it based upon additional observations. In other words, perceptions…

  • Inheritance: Part 1 – Perceptions

    Greg Olsen


    In this and the following two blogs, I want to talk about inheritance. We often think of inheritance as including only material things such as money, property, jewelry and collections of things you have accumulated throughout your life that you intend to leave to others. There are also things you will leave your loved ones…

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