Tag: Memories

  • A Bit of Yourself – The Final Chapter

    Greg Olsen


    I’m finally getting around to providing the third and final blog in the series “A Bit of Yourself”. The hurricane caused a lot of disruptions. Thanks for being so patient. If you recall, my series on “A Bit of Yourself” is focused on how you want to be remembered. In other words, your legacy. I…

  • A Bit of Yourself – Part 2

    Greg Olsen


    In my last blog, I mentioned the Santa tradition my wife and I have with our daughters. Today I’m going to tell you a little more about that tradition. It all started 18 years ago when my daughters were in college. My wife and I had become empty-nesters and weren’t enjoying it. We began thinking…

  • A Bit of Yourself – Part 1

    Greg Olsen


    Here we go again. Another multi-part blog. It’s not because I’m trying to draw you in and then leave you hanging like an episode of “Game of Thrones”. It’s because I’m too wordy. I’ve not yet learned the art of brevity and I can’t fit all my thoughts into a single blog. It also means…

  • September

    Greg Olsen


    Today is the first of September. I remember growing up, September was always exciting for me. It was the kickoff (pun intended) to an amazing time of the year. Back in my days, school never started until after Labor Day and you looked forward to it as a time to once again see all your…

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