Tag: God

  • Lead Me

    Greg Olsen


    I recently read that Amy Grant, the famous singer, starts her day with the following short prayer: “Lord, lead me today to those I need, and those that need me.“ Those words struck me as being rather profound. I’m going to need others today. I’m sure of that. Whether it be for physical help, encouragement…

  • Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow

    Greg Olsen


    Recently I had someone ask me what my biggest concern is with having Myasthenia Gravis. I would have to say the thing I struggle with the most is the fear of the unknown, of what’s to come. The unknown is always scary. When things are challenging in our lives, we develop a plan and find…

  • Life’s Inconveniences

    Greg Olsen


    During the recent hurricane, we lost power. What an inconvenience! We had a backup generator, so I was able to restore power to important things in the house like the refrigerator, a portable air conditioning unit and charging of our cell phones, but it was still quite an inconvenience. When did blessings become inconveniences? I…

  • Walking In Love

    Greg Olsen

    in ,

    Happy Labor Day! You’re probably expecting a message having to do with labor, or the holiday, or something in between. That would probably make sense, but I’m actually writing this on Sunday and something occurred this morning that made such an impact on me that I thought I needed to share. So, Happy Labor Day,…

  • In Times of Struggle

    Greg Olsen


    Those of us with Myasthenia Gravis live the ups and downs of this disorder. We have days with few symptoms where we feel wonderful and ready to take on the world. We also have days when it’s a struggle to even get out of bed. We’re tired, we ache, we’re weak, so we struggle. Sometimes…

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