Sharing is Caring

Greg Olsen


We’ve been talking about a lot of heavy stuff lately, so I think it’s time for a joke.

A man was driving down a country road and saw a farmhouse with a sign out front that said, “Talking Dog for Sale”. Intrigued, the man pulled over, went up to the farmhouse, and asked the farmer about the sign.

The farmer pointed to the back of the farmhouse and said, “He’s out back. Go ahead and talk to him.”

Skeptical, but curious, the man walks around to the back of the house and finds a dog sitting there. He looks at the dog and says, “Are you the talking dog?”

“Yep,” the dog replies.

The man is shocked and asks, “Well, what’s your story?”

The dog sighs and begins, “Well, I discovered I could talk when I was just a pup. I wanted to help my country, so I joined the CIA. I traveled all around the world, gathering secrets, and went on covert missions. I’ve been in meetings with world leaders. No one ever suspected a talking dog. After a few years, I got tired of the spy life, so I moved on to work at an airport, sniffing out drugs and explosives. I received many awards and put a lot of bad guys in jail. Eventually, I retired here to live a quiet and peaceful life.

The man was amazed. He goes back to the farmer and asks, “How much you want for the dog?”

The farmer says, “Ten bucks.”

“Ten bucks? That dog is amazing! Why so cheap?” the man asks.

The farmer spits on the ground, shakes his head and says, “He’s a liar. He didn’t do any of that stuff.”

Funny story, but what does that have to do with Myasthenia Gravis? Absolutely nothing. That’s the point. Sometimes we need a break from MG. We need to laugh and just enjoy life without all the MG stuff clogging up our minds and ruining our day.

Sometimes it’s nice to have a good laugh and forget about all your troubles. Laughs are free; you just have to know where to find them. They can come from some of the most innocuous sources and they don’t cost a dime. As long as the laugh didn’t come at someone else’s expense, you’re free to enjoy it.

It not only makes you feel better hearing a joke; it can make you feel better telling one, too.

I’m going to challenge you to tell someone a joke today. It can be any joke you’ve heard and enjoyed. Just share it with someone. If you’re having trouble coming up with a joke, look one up on the internet or feel free to use mine. After all, sharing is caring.

Show someone you care today by sharing your joke with them. Today is all about sharing.


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