Prayer Is Powerful

Greg Olsen


I ran into a neighbor and his wife this morning. I usually see him when I’m walking the dogs, but this morning his wife was also with him. She has been diagnosed with cancer and continues treatment. We talked about trivial things this morning, avoiding the elephant in the room. Before leaving, I told her that I had been praying for her ever since her husband informed me of her diagnosis. She thanked me and then said something insightful. She said, “Prayer is powerful.”

I don’t know how advanced her cancer is or what level of treatment she is going through, but I was amazed at her courage and faith. She may be battling for her life, yet still she realizes the power of prayer. I wondered to myself if she realized how powerful her three words actually were. In three short words, she let me know her faith is strong, she has not given up and she looks to the Lord for her strength.

That got me thinking. Those of us with Myasthenia Gravis also need that level of faith. We need to understand that what we are going through is God’s plan. We may not understand why he has given us MG, but we need to trust him because his plan, whatever it may entail, is perfect.

I don’t know for certain, but I believe God’s plan for me involves helping others with Myasthenia Gravis. I’m not a rich man who can donate millions of dollars to research. Instead, God has given me the ability to write and to use it to help others. Doing so, I can reach out to those who need encouragement, reach out to those who need a friend. So that’s what I’m doing and I’m amazed how many people I have already reached. This all came as a result of prayer when I asked God, “what do I do now?”

Maybe you already know what God’s plan is for you and maybe you don’t. Regardless, it all starts with faith and prayer. Maybe God’s plan is for you to strengthen your faith and maybe MG is the journey which you must take to get there. Maybe God’s plan is for you to reach out and help others. Maybe MG is the commonality you will share with those who need your friendship. Whatever it might be, it all starts with prayer.

The best prayers are those that are between you and God and come from your heart. If you don’t feel you have the words to put into prayer, then try one of these.

A Prayer For Those With Myasthenia Gravis

Heavenly Father: You are the creator of all things, from the tiniest of neutrinos to the entire expanse of the universe, you created them all. I am in awe of your power and the plan you have for everything you have created. There is so much I don’t understand, but I realize some things are not intended to be understood. Help me to grow and strengthen my faith and trust in you. I understand you have a plan for me and there is a reason why I have been chosen to live with Myasthenia Gravis. I trust you will reveal your plan for me when the time is right and I know you will give me the strength and courage to fulfill that plan. I pray for your guidance. I pray for strength. I pray for perseverance. I pray for mercy. I thank you for the abundant blessings you bestow on me and I ask that you continue to provide for not only my material needs, but for my spiritual and emotional needs, as well. Most importantly, dear Lord, help me to realize that Myasthenia Gravis is not a punishment for something I’ve done wrong, but an opportunity to learn and strengthen my faith in you. Take my hand, show me the way and walk with me on this journey. Never let me forget that you are and always will be with me. Help me to look to you when days are difficult. Help me to realize that bad days are simply tools to help me appreciate good days that much more. On good days, let me be thankful and push forward through this journey, accomplishing much and appreciating all. My today, my tomorrow, my future is in your hands. Help me to learn the lessons you are teaching me. Thank you for my caregivers, my family and my friends that do so much to support and comfort me. Let me always honor and appreciate their efforts and intentions. May I always show them the thankfulness, kindness and the love they so deserve. Allow me to be an inspiration for others. May I always wear a smile, even when I don’t feel like smiling, and may my attitude always be admirable, even if I’m not having the best of days. I am your servant. Utilize my talents as you will and help me to graciously and successfully perform the plan you have prepared for me. You are the most powerful. Shine your light on me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

A Prayer For Someone Who Has Myasthenia Gravis

Heavenly Father: I come to you today to pray for my loved one who is afflicted with Myasthenia Gravis. Grant your mercy on them and shower them with your love, your comfort and your blessings. Help me to support them in a way that is appropriate and fill my intentions with love and kindness. Grant me patience and understanding as I accompany them on this journey. Help me to understand that support doesn’t mean doing everything for them, but rather assisting them with what they are unable to accomplish on their own. As much as I would be willing to do for them, help me to realize that activity is an important part of their therapy and allowing them to do as much as they’re capable of doing on their own is important for their mental and physical well-being. Allow me to be their encouragement and inspiration. May I always bring them love and leave them with kindness. Finally, give me the strength to help them fight when there is no fight left within them and grant me the assertiveness to take the reins when they have given up and are no longer willing to fight on their own. I promise to always keep them in my prayers and in my heart. Amen

God listens.


3 responses to “Prayer Is Powerful”

  1. Betty Clark Avatar
    Betty Clark

    Thank you.

  2. margaret clenney Avatar
    margaret clenney

    Thank you for these prayer examples. I have been a Christian for 71 years now, and have gone through a lot in my life. My faith has sustained me through every step of my journey.
    The one thing I disagree with is that God caused us to have MG. He does not cause it, but does allow it. There is a big difference.
    God loves us unconditionally, and although he has to discipline us occasionally, the same as we must do to our children to help them as they mature, He does not cause bad things to happen to us.
    Because Satin introduced sin into this world, we have to all live with its effects. Because of sin bad things happen to everyone, and because of God’s love, good things happens.
    God doesn’t cause bad things to happen to us, but He can show and help us turn the bad around to be a blessing in some way for ourselves and/or for others.
    I am not sure if it is just our individual way of saying things or if we do have different beliefs on this one subject, but I can tell you are a born again Christian, as am I. We are brother and sister in Christ and I want to thank you for sharing your journey with MG, and especially for sharing your faith. I know you are helping a lot of people, and I am one of those you are helping. Please keep up the great work.

    1. Margaret:
      Thank you for the very kind words. I agree with everything you said. God does not cause harm to us, but sometimes he allows it for reasons unknown to us. I believe it’s to help strengthen our faith and open doors for opportunities we may not otherwise have had. Just like you said, God loves us unconditionally. He doesn’t want to see us suffer. That’s why he provides us with whatever we need to get through any tough times, especially when we turn to him. I’m so glad you’re finding my blogs helpful. I encourage you to subscribe to my blog. I won’t be sending you advertisements or try to sell you anything. A subscription just means you will receive an email whenever I release a new blog. That way you don’t constantly have to check. Thanks again for your kind words and encouragement. Please feel free to reach out whenever you would like. You can email me directly at [email protected].
      Enjoy your day and may God continue to shower you with love, mercy and blessings.


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