• Laughter – Part 7

    Are you getting tired of jokes yet? I hope not because we have a few more days. Besides, who doesn’t like a good joke? Let me rephrase that:…

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    4 min read

  • Laughter – Part 6

    Today’s joke in our Laughter series may sound familiar to those of us with Myasthenia Gravis or any other chronic or life-threatening condition. A man is hiking through…

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  • Laughter – Part 5

    Keeping with our theme of laughter, I present today’s joke: A woman dies and goes to heaven. As she approaches the Pearly Gates, she sees St. Peter standing…

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  • Laughter – Part 4

    In keeping with my promise to provide a joke a day for the remainder of August, here’s today’s joke. A man goes to the doctor and says, “Doctor,…

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    4 min read

  • Laughter – Part 3

    I promised you a joke a day for the remaining days of August, so here’s one I wrote about Myasthenia Gravis. An older man with Myasthenia Gravis was…

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  • Laughter – Part 2

    As promised in my last blog, I’m going to tell someone one joke a day for each of the days left remaining in August because laughter is so…

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    4 min read

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