• Inheritance: Part 2 – Principles

    As I stated in my previous blog, we use perceptions, principles and values to guide us through life. We’ve already talked about perceptions and discussed how perceptions can…

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    4 min read

  • Inheritance: Part 1 – Perceptions

    In this and the following two blogs, I want to talk about inheritance. We often think of inheritance as including only material things such as money, property, jewelry…

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    4 min read

  • Summer Heat and Hydration

    It’s August 3. We’re halfway through summer. Kids will be returning to school soon. Days will become progressively shorter. The best part for all of us with Myasthenia…

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    4 min read

  • Olympic Medals

    Thoughts can be inspiring and they can be fleeting. They can lead us to Olympic Medals or down a path to defeat. How do you know which thoughts…

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    4 min read

  • You and Your Doctor

    The importance of establishing a good relationship with your doctor cannot be overstated. It’s a mutualistic symbiotic relationship where both of you depend upon each other. You rely…

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    4 min read

  • What’s It Like?

    From those who are unfamiliar with the condition, I’m frequently asked, “What’s it like having Myasthenia Gravis?” Before I begin, allow me to issue a disclaimer. I’m not…

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    4 min read

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