Lead Me

Greg Olsen


I recently read that Amy Grant, the famous singer, starts her day with the following short prayer:

Lord, lead me today to those I need, and those that need me.

Those words struck me as being rather profound. I’m going to need others today. I’m sure of that. Whether it be for physical help, encouragement or peace of mind, I’m going to need them.

When I first read this, I automatically assumed “those I need” means people. That may very well be the case, but I also need God.

I take pride in the fact that my faith is strong, but there are so many times when I attempt to do things on my own. Without any thought that I may need God’s guidance, I’m off to tackle any challenge that rears its head. Oftentimes, it’s only when I get stuck that I turn to God for help. That should be my first step, not my last. Fortunately, He doesn’t hold that against me. Like the loving Father that He is, He just allows me to proceed and waits for me to call. I always end up calling.

I’m also going to need people today. I’m going to need their assistance, their conversation, their understanding and their love. As hard as I try, I can’t do it alone. I’ve tried isolating myself, wanting to just be left alone. It doesn’t work. Instead of feeling better, I always end up feeling worse. I may not always like the interaction I have with people, but I need them. I need them to challenge me when I give up the will to try. I need them to help me when I can’t do something on my own. I need them to love me and give me a reason to live.

The last part of this little prayer asks God to lead me to those who need me. There are people who need me and want me around. They love me and need me in their lives. There are people who need me to stand up for them when they are bombarded with life’s attempt to tear them down. There are people who need my compassion when things in their lives become unbearable. There are people who need my love when they can’t seem to find the love of others. There are people who need me to share my experiences so they don’t repeat the same mistakes. There are people who need my stories so memories aren’t forgotten.

There are people who need my blogs, because they’re going through something similar. There are people who feel alone, until my blogs remind them that they aren’t. There are people who are ready to give up the fight, until my encouragement reminds them that they’re not done yet. There are people who need me to remind them of their faith in God, because they’re trying to do it alone.

There was a short time in my life when I felt like I didn’t need anyone and I was convinced no one needed me. I wasn’t thinking straight and I refused to recognize the truth. It was the worst time of my life. I had blocked everyone out of my life. I was totally alone, or so I thought. In reality, God was still with me. He was just waiting for me to call. Fortunately, I made that call and He reminded me about all I was missing. The laughter, the smiles, the love. He reminded me that when things feel down, I need the strength of others to get back up. He also reminded me that there are people who need my strength, as well. I didn’t stay in that dark lonely mode for long. It wasn’t a place I wanted or needed to be. The good part is I learned my lesson and I’ll never go there again. I need God in my life. I need people in my life.

Just as I need people, I need people that need me. One seems a little empty without the other. That’s what keeps me going. That’s what makes my life worthwhile.

Thank you, Amy Grant, for sharing this short prayer with us. It contains few words, but its impact is extremely powerful. I assume by sharing it with us, you give us permission to also use it. I, for one, am going to start my day with those words because I need God to lead me to people that I need and to people that need me.


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