Category: Thoughts

  • A Tale of Two Tails

    Greg Olsen


    In one of my previous blogs, I promised to tell you a story about our dogs. We’ve owned Standard Poodles for many years. In fact, when my daughters were young, we even showed them. So, we’re talking about more than 35 years of Standard Poodles. They’ve brought us so much joy over the years and…

  • Thankful

    Greg Olsen


    On this Memorial Day weekend, I’m thankful for all the brave men and women who have given their lives for our country. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to fight in a war. The physical and emotional stress must be so overwhelming. I was in high school during the Viet Nam War.…

  • A Day in the Life

    Greg Olsen


    What’s a typical day like for a person with Myasthenia Gravis? Well, there is no “typical” day for a person with MG because it affects each person differently, but I can share what my typical day looks like. Please bear in mind that not all symptoms I discuss are caused by MG. Some may be…

  • God’s Hand

    Greg Olsen


    When people get diagnosed with something significant, a host of emotions flow through their minds and bodies. When I received my confirmed diagnosis on December 15, 2023, I didn’t experience fear or anxiety. I experienced relief. For over 25 years I had been dealing with being “Suspect for Myasthenia Gravis”. Being “Suspect” means it appears…

  • The Difficulty of Confirmation

    Greg Olsen


    It was almost 25 years ago that I first heard the words “Myasthenia Gravis”, or should I say, paid attention to them. I was having trouble with one of my eyes where everything I saw was pink. I went to the eye doctor who, after examining me, asked if I had ever been tested for…

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