Category: My Journey

  • A Bit of Yourself – Part 1

    Greg Olsen


    Here we go again. Another multi-part blog. It’s not because I’m trying to draw you in and then leave you hanging like an episode of “Game of Thrones”. It’s because I’m too wordy. I’ve not yet learned the art of brevity and I can’t fit all my thoughts into a single blog. It also means…

  • News

    Greg Olsen


    As I pondered the subject for today’s blog, I briefly reviewed the headlines of the news going on in the world. There’s tragedy everywhere. Nearly every single headline had to do with something terrible. Doesn’t anything good ever happen? As I thought about this for a while, I realized good things happen all the time;…

  • MGFA

    Greg Olsen


    For those of you with Myasthenia Gravis, I hope you’re taking advantage of all the fine resources the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) has for you on their website: For those who are caregivers, family or friends of someone with MG, I strongly encourage you to check out this website, as well. It’s…

  • MG Awareness

    Greg Olsen


    I’ve received several questions about what you can do to help promote awareness for Myasthenia Gravis. If you notice the photo on my website, you’ll see some of the things my family and friends did to support me during Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month last June. That photo still brings me tears. Let me first say…

  • Happiness and Sadness: Why We Need Both

    Greg Olsen

    in ,

    I once heard an analogy about happiness. It said happiness is like putting clean sheets on your bed. You enjoy clean sheets and it feels good when you’re in them, but sooner or later they’re going to get dirty and you’re going to need to rewash them. Achieving happiness isn’t about staying happy; it’s about…

  • Nothing

    Greg Olsen


    I don’t know if you’re a Seinfeld fan, but I always enjoyed watching that show. I still enjoy watching the reruns. It was a show about “nothing”. It was supposed to be about whatever happened that day. Now, of course we know each episode had a theme and the characters played toward a certain topic,…

  • Walking In Love

    Greg Olsen

    in ,

    Happy Labor Day! You’re probably expecting a message having to do with labor, or the holiday, or something in between. That would probably make sense, but I’m actually writing this on Sunday and something occurred this morning that made such an impact on me that I thought I needed to share. So, Happy Labor Day,…

  • September

    Greg Olsen


    Today is the first of September. I remember growing up, September was always exciting for me. It was the kickoff (pun intended) to an amazing time of the year. Back in my days, school never started until after Labor Day and you looked forward to it as a time to once again see all your…

  • Laughter – Part 9 – The Final Chapter

    Greg Olsen


    Well, you’ve done it. You’ve finally made it to the last joke….for a while. Today’s joke deals with Self-Efficacy. I hope you enjoy it. A self-efficacy researcher walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender, curious, asks, “What line of work are you in?” The researcher replies, “I study people’s beliefs in their…

  • Laughter – Part 8

    Greg Olsen


    One more day after today and you won’t have to put up with any more jokes…for a while! A man goes on photo safari to Africa and sees an elephant standing perfectly still, tears streaming down its face. He’s moved by the sight and approaches the elephant carefully. As he gets closer, he notices a…

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