Brain Fog

Greg Olsen

in ,

I’, going to try an experiment. Not sure if it will work or not. I’m going to attempt to demonstrate brain fog.

Brain fog often affects people with Myasthenia Gtavis. I’m nt sure why it happens or what causes it. All I know is I get it when I’m extrmeely tired or wornout.

Althought it shows up easily wehn talking, I wanted to see how it would show iup when typing. To demonstrate this, I truned off autocorrect. Granted some of the mistaeks you’ll raed in here may just be typos, they could also be from brain gog and the fact that my fingers aren’t reciving signals from my brian as fast as they should.

I know this os gong to be difficult to read, so I’ll keep it short.

I’m just coming off a day of high stress (dy of the hurricane), follwed by a day of high stress and heavy physical acitivity (day after the hurricane), followed by a day of heavy physical activity (day I put the generator and all hurricane gear away). I didn’t sleep too well the first two nights, but last night was better. I t will ljust take me a few days to get back to normal.

When I feel brain gog, ,it’s exactly as it sounds. My brain is goggy and sometimes it akes alittle while befoe I can find the right word. That parts is impossible to demonstrate on here. THe other part of brain gog that I’m attempting to demonstrate is that my gingers tend to not work as well on a keyboard. It’s line the signal just isn’t comng thruogh from my brain.

I don’t drive or do any detail work when I’m having brain fog, just in case. It typically doens’t last laoong, but it’s quite a nuisance when it happens. While I was in the middle of typing that sentence, I had to hesitate on the word “nuisance” because I douldn’t think of the word. I had to keep searching my brain until it finally bopped up.

I als try to avoid conversations with people when I’m experiencing brain fog. It’s embarassing when the words don’t come and you struggle to find the right words. I tend to isolate myself during these perioeds until my brain gets clear again.

As promised, I’m keeping this short because I know it’s going to be diffiucit to read, but I hope you got an idea of what it’s like when brain og sets in. I don’t get it often, thank goodness. It’s one of theose joys of having that trickster mG.


2 responses to “Brain Fog”

  1. Marina Hamilton Avatar
    Marina Hamilton

    Oh boy, I can totally relate. It is a nuisance, and it frustrates me because words and conversation were my comfy place. Sadly, not anymore. And I also get embarrassed when this occurs when people are around. I often tend to avoid social situations due to this. However, I still try to make the best of it on this journey with MG. One day at a time, one step at a time.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Marina. I’m sorry you also experience brain fog and I agree, it can be quite embarrassing. When it happens to me, instead of putting on my typical “lost” face, I try to hesitate replying for a moment, put on my thinking face, and allow myself time for the word or words to come back to me. It doesn’t always work, but I’m thankful when it does.

    Enjoy your day and stay #MGStrong!

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