What’s New on the MG Front

Greg Olsen

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I recently ran into an article written by Stephanie Watson in which she interviewed Daniel Drachman, MD. The article is entitled “New Advancements in Treating Myasthenia Gravis”. It was published in November of 2023. You can read the article for yourself at: https://www.webmd.com/brain/features/myasthenia-gravis-advances

In the article, Dr. Drachman discusses common medicines used to treat Myasthenia Gravis along with treatments such as thymectomy, monoclonal antibodies and the new classes of medicines that are now available.

I found the last section of the article to be the most encouraging. I’m quoting it here:

“We now have a large group of treatments for Myasthenia Gravis and more coming down the pipeline. Nearly everybody with this condition can now be well treated and managed.

One day, we might even be able to cure Myasthenia Gravis. A few years ago, I figured out a way to turn off the immune response to acetylcholine receptors specifically, without affecting any other part of the immune system.

We genetically engineered certain cells of the immune system, which we called “guided missiles”. When injected into the body, those cells targeted and killed the specific T cells that were involved in producing harmful antibodies. When we injected those cells in mice with Myasthenia Gravis, they essentially stopped the disease without reducing the overall immune response. This procedure is too complicated to use in humans yet, but the point is, our research proved that it can be done.”

I don’t know about you, but this is the best news I’ve heard to date! I’ve not read this anywhere else, but WOW!

I realize they’re not yet ready to perform this procedure on humans, but maybe soon. Where do I sign up?

Thanks, Dr. Drachman and all the fine researchers who are leading the way with new treatments for MG.

Remember the MGFA slogan for this year: “For a World Without Myasthenia Gravis”? Some day soon, we may have our wish!


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