Happy Independents Day!

Greg Olsen


No, you read that right. In addition to celebrating Independence Day today, I also ask that you celebrate Independents Day.

While both “Independents” and Independence” sound alike and have similar meanings, there is a difference.

“Independents” means those not requiring or relying on others.

“Independence” means freedom from outside control.

Although there are some with Myasthenia Gravis who require constant care and are unable to care for themselves, most of us with MG enjoy at least some degree of being independent. Our support group of people help us when we need additional assistance, but for the most part, we take care of ourselves. That’s being “Independent” and it’s not something we should take for granted. In fact, we should celebrate it.

I realize Independents Day isn’t a real holiday. I made it up. But in my mind, it’s worth celebrating.

Not to be a downer, but there may come a day when we can no longer live on our own, be independent or care for ourselves. Someday we may not be able to do what we want to do without the help of others. It’s a reality we need to face, but not to dwell on. Instead, we need to celebrate all we’re still capable of doing today.

I don’t like it when my eyelids droop or my voice gets hoarse. I don’t like it when I have to get off my legs because they’ll no longer support me. For me, those are temporary and as much as I dislike them, I can still do most of the things I want to do on my own. That’s being “Independent”. I choose to celebrate that…..today….and every day for as long as it lasts.

Sometimes we focus too much on the things we can no longer do or what may come in the weeks, months, or years ahead. I’m asking you to focus on today, on all you can do and how wonderful it feels to be “Independent”.

I’m going to take it one step further. Let’s prove how “Independent” you are by reaching out to someone who needs you. Maybe it’s a relative or friend who’s battling an illness. Maybe it’s a neighbor who’s going through a rough time. Perhaps what they need most right now is a kind word or maybe even a hug, and you’re the perfect person to give it to them. Prove you’re “Independent”. Be a Giver. Reach out and be there for them.

Today is Independence Day. I choose to celebrate by being proud of my country and all that it stands for. I may not always agree with our politicians and some of the ways in which they lead us, but it’s still the best country in the world and I’m proud to be here. Our flag will be flying at our house today and we will watch fireworks tonight. All the while, I’ll be thinking about all the men and women who fought for our independence and for those who continue to give so much to assure we remain free.

Today, in my book, is also Independents Day. I choose to celebrate my ability to be “Independent” by thanking God for all he has done and will continue to do for me. I also celebrate by reaching out to someone who may need my help today and letting them know that they don’t have to fight their battles alone.

Please join me in celebrating Independence Day and Independents Day.


3 responses to “Happy Independents Day!”

  1. Betty Clark Avatar
    Betty Clark

    Thank you for your inspirational thoughts for Independents Day. What a great way to start the day

    1. You’re very welcome, Betty, and thank you for the very nice comment. I hope you celebrated by being independent and your independence.

      Wishing you health and stability,

      Greg Olsen

  2. Mary Sue Case Avatar
    Mary Sue Case

    Thank you for yet another inspirational message. I was able to use my independence in cleaning up an attack from a large trove of ants that were trying to enter my home to escape the triple digit heat we are experiencing. I truly enjoyed my day.

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