The Importance of Subscribing

May 14, 2024

Greg Olsen


You’ll notice that just under the heading of my blog website is a place for you to subscribe to my blogs. I want to explain why subscribing is so important.

I value your privacy just as much as you do. I promise that if you subscribe (if you haven’t done so already), you will not be inundated with emails from my site. The only emails you will receive are emails letting you know I have posted a new blog.

There is only one exception to that rule. Once in a while, I may email you directly to thank you, to respond to a question, to ask a question or to inquire how you’re doing, but I promise to keep these to a minimum.

I will not use your email address for advertising. I will not send you advertisements, nor will I ever sell your email address to any person or organization.

So, why subscribe? If you frequent my site, you must enjoy reading my blogs, so you don’t want to miss any. If you subscribe, you will receive an email whenever I release a new blog post. That way you won’t miss any or constantly need to check if any new ones have been released. It’s a convenience for you and I will not use your email address as a means to sell you something.

There’s one additional reason. When you subscribe, you’re helping me out. I’ve been amazed at the number of people that are viewing my website and reading my blogs. The numbers are growing quicker that I ever imagined. I’d like to continue that growth and be able to help even more people with MG or other chronic illnesses, as well as their caregivers, family and friends.

I’d also like to be able to review products and write about some of the things that could help people with MG. I can’t afford to purchase products I will be reviewing on my own, but I might be able to develop relationships with manufacturers or vendors that would be willing to send me or loan me products to trial and then review or talk about them in my blogs. They will only be willing to do this if I have enough subscribers that would make such a relationship worthwhile.

In other words, the more subscribers I have, the more I will be able to offer in terms of assisting others with MG.

Please help me out. Subscribe to my blog if you haven’t done so already. If, at any time, you want to unsubscribe, feel free to do so. Your support is so important to me and will allow me to help more people, so please consider subscribing. Please also share my blog with anyone you know that may benefit from reading it. It would be greatly appreciated.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you so much for your continued support.


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