Next Best Thing

May 14, 2024

Greg Olsen


I was watching Pastor Steven Furtick on YouTube this morning and his message was on the “Next Best Thing”. He stated that when we go to God in prayer and request something, God doesn’t always grant that request immediately. Until he does, we need to focus on the “Next Best Thing”.

I thought about how that applies to Myasthenia Gravis. Each of us who have MG have gone to the god we trust and asked for this crazy disease to be taken away. We do this because we can’t do it on our own. We can’t heal ourselves. We need divine help. Regardless of your religion, regardless of who your god is, regardless of whether or not you believe in any god, you believe in something, be it a mystical being or a spirit or an energy. You’ve turned to that someone or that something and asked for help.

My God is the God of the Bible, the creator. The God who sent his Son to die on the cross and atone for our sins. The God who sends us the Holy Spirit so we can remain strong in our faith. I go to God often. I ask of him frequently. I rely on him. I praise him. I love him and I know he loves me. Sometimes when I ask, God grants my request immediately. Sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he feels what I’m asking for isn’t in my best interest. Sometimes he wants me to wait.

Waiting isn’t easy for me. I’m a pretty impatient person. Just ask my wife about all the hobbies I’ve dived into headfirst only to quickly get bored or find out it’s not for me. I can’t ease into things; I have to jump right in because the water may be cold and easing in may be too uncomfortable. Besides, I love the feeling of instant relief like jumping into a nice cool pool on a hot, humid day. I, like many, want instant satisfaction, instant gratification.

I’ve gone to God and asked him to take away my Myasthenia Gravis. I still have it. Perhaps he’s saying, “No” or perhaps he’s saying “Not yet”.

No matter how hard I try on my own, it hasn’t gone away. All I can do is the “Next Best Thing”.

I can still write and share awareness of MG. That’s my Next Best Thing. If I can’t get rid of MG, at least maybe I can help others by sharing my thoughts and stories. Maybe I can reach someone who feels like they’re battling this alone. Maybe I can give caregivers, family and friends an insight into what it’s like inside of us as we go through this journey.

And you know what? I’m enjoying this Next Best Thing. It helps me get my thoughts out instead of bottling them up inside like I typically do. I’ve jumped into this headfirst, but I can see how much good it’s doing me and I think I’m in this for the long haul, or at least for as long as I’m able. I’m receiving some great comments and sincerely appreciate them. They inspire me. I love to see when someone subscribes to my blog because I know they will receive a notice whenever I release a new one. I love when readers share my blog with others so they can read it, too. I’m helping people, like those who have MG and have reached out to tell me how much they enjoy reading my blogs.

God hasn’t made my MG go away, but he’s provided me with the Next Best Thing. He’s allowing me to turn lemons into lemonade. He’s allowing me to prove “Sharing is Caring”.

I encourage you to find your Next Best Thing. Maybe you don’t enjoy writing or public speaking or advocacy, but you enjoy something. Maybe it’s reading or knitting or woodworking. Find whatever it is you enjoy doing and just do it. Do it while you can and enjoy every single minute of it. Someday we may no longer be able to do the things we enjoy, so we have to make the most of it now, today. Do your Next Best Thing. I promise you that you’ll feel better, your attitude will change, your pain will no longer be your focus and you’ll start living again.

Powerful. Just three little words, but oh, so powerful.


3 responses to “Next Best Thing”

  1. Thank you over and over for sharing your thoughts, experiences and support through your Blog.
    No matter what challenges one may face, you are providing insight and a common bond.

    1. You’re very welcome. It’s therapy for me, as well. And if I perchance help someone along the way, all the better.

  2. Ethalene Bressman Avatar
    Ethalene Bressman

    Your wise words of wisdom, can apply to everyone, even if they don’t have a serious illness. Find your next best thing! Love it!

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