Mystery Unsolved

Greg Olsen


When you open my blog website and scroll down to my blogs, you see them all listed by title. Below each title is a “Continue Reading” button and below that is my picture, name and date I actually wrote each particular blog.

When you open a blog by pressing the “Continue Reading” button, you’ll notice when the full blog comes up, under the title is shown “May 14, 2024 Greg Olsen in Thoughts”. That date shows up on each of my blogs. It’s always the same regardless of the date I wrote it.

Obviously, there is a setting that I have incorrectly set that keeps pointing to May 14, 2024. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to find a way to correct it. I’ve contacted support on numerous occasions, chatted with their AI chat bots and even spoken with several different support techs, but I can’t seem to get this problem resolved.

It bothered me. Being the OCD person that I am, I didn’t like having incorrect information on my blogs. Will people think I wrote all of these blogs on the same date? Will they think I’m so inept that I can’t find out how to correct it? Actually, to that last question, they’d be right.

But here’s the thing. If people are reading my blogs, the date that shows up when the blog opens really doesn’t matter. The actual date I wrote it is on the blog title page, and besides, it’s the content of the blogs that’s important, not the date. It’s me trying to share a bit of my MG life with you. It really doesn’t matter which date is displayed. In fact, it’s kind of neat when you think about it because on every blog, I’m reminded of the date I first started blogging.

Last night as I was lying in bed, I began thinking about that frustrating date that keeps showing up on my blogs and I was tormenting myself about how to fix it. Suddenly I realized it’s not worth fretting over. I’ve spent enough time trying to figure out how to fix it and apparently it just doesn’t want to be fixed, so I started looking at the positives. I realized it reminds me of the date when I first started blogging. I made lemonade out of lemons.

I also began to think about how this relates to Myasthenia Gravis. Life can seem to be going along pretty well, but sooner or later MG will remind you it’s still there. It doesn’t go away. Sooner or later it will pop up again. And just like that date that I can’t fix on my blog, I can’t fix MG either. Maybe someday I’ll find a correction for that date. Maybe someday they’ll find a cure for MG. I just know for both of those, yesterday wasn’t the day and today’s not looking so good either, but maybe someday.

Until then, please tolerate the incorrect date when you open my blogs to read them and when you see it, let it remind you that MG doesn’t go away either. That’s why those of us with MG need your prayers and support.

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