• Fireworks

    In previous blogs, I’ve discussed our two dogs, both of which we’ve adopted as rescues. Oakley is a 3-year-old brown standard poodle with a white marking on his…

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    4 min read

  • Isolation

    Years ago, I began to lose my hearing. It has nothing to do with Myasthenia Gravis; it’s something in our genes. My brothers and sister have it, many…

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    4 min read

  • Happy Independents Day!

    No, you read that right. In addition to celebrating Independence Day today, I also ask that you celebrate Independents Day. While both “Independents” and Independence” sound alike and…

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    4 min read

  • Let Me Introduce You….to Myasthenia Gravis

    Imagine your legs becoming so weak that you can no longer walk. Imagine doing an important presentation and suddenly your voice becomes so hoarse that no one can…

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    4 min read

  • The Importance of Subscribing

    You’ll notice that just under the heading of my blog website is a place for you to subscribe to my blogs. I want to explain why subscribing is…

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    4 min read

  • I Have MG… MG Doesn’t Have Me

    There’s a huge difference between those two statements. I have a rare autoimmune disease that affects me at times, but it doesn’t own me. While I can’t control…

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    4 min read

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